At Del Monte Assisted Living & Memory Care, our top priority is the well-being of our residents. A large component of being well is the surrounding environment. This is why we are constantly trying to make Del Monte a fun-filled community where every resident looks forward to what the day has in store. We have been taking care of elderly residents for over 60 years and with that experience, we have designed fun and engaging activities for residents of all ages and conditions.
Physically Fit
Staying physically fit is essential in order to live life to its fullest. At Del Monte, we make sure our residents are encouraged to get as much exercise as possible, whether that means a walk through our gardens, a fun game of Simon Says with their neighbors, or a session with our Physical Therapist. Daily walks and stretches are part of the activity schedule every day so our residents always have a chance to exercise!

Mentally Stimulated
Along with the body, it’s also very important to keep your mind alert at this age. We understand how vital a healthy and active mind is to an enjoyable life, so we strive to encourage our residents to engage in activities that are interactive and mentally stimulating. We plan activities from as basic as one-on-one chats and story telling, to heated rounds of inter-facility trivia, to fun board games, Jenga, Scrabble, and many more.
Spiritually Rich
We are all about celebrating aging at Del Monte Assisted Living & Memory Care. We regularly organize activities for our residents that highlight the beauty of every day life and allow self-expression. Del Monte is truly a perfect place to enjoy nature and savor the small joys of life. Regular activities like sermons, meditation, lectures, and sharing life experiences are organized to make the residents reflect and grow richer spiritually. We also strongly believe in the power of music and always have music playing, whether through the speakers or by our guitar playing staff!